RFE: Switch usbhid.pb_fnmode to 2 for Macbook Pro users

Christopher Brown snecklifter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 20:11:38 UTC 2007


It would appear Macbook Pro users need to additionally press the fn key to
make F1 - F10 work as expected under Linux. Therefore to switch to a vt they
have to perform a wierd kind of hand twister to get it to work as it now
requires Ctrl+Alt+Fn+F1. Macbook user Alexey Kuznetsov wrote to me and said:

To solve this problem i send echo "2" to /sys/module/hid/parameters/pb_fnmode
every time on boot. But i this is a good idea to set this feature by default
for all fedora 7 users.

I solve it by small startup service here is ti:

# chkconfig: 12345 90 01
# description: fix apple fn keys

. /etc/init.d/functions

echo "2">/sys/module/hid/parameters/pb_fnmode

action "Starting the Mac Function keys fix:"

to which I replied:

" ... you can also just add:

options usbhid pb_fnmode=2

to modprobe.conf

and I think:


being added to the kernel parameters as well. I will post an RFE to the
fedora-kernel list."

Is it possible to enable this by default - the green lizards seem to have
done so:



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