
Roland McGrath roland at
Fri Sep 26 00:32:50 UTC 2008

The /proc/PID/coredump_filter mechanism makes it easy to tweak the
per-process setting to control ELF core dump style details.  
This setting is per-process (per-mm) and inherited by children.

But as a user, the /proc interface is insane.  It prints a magical hex
value (without a leading 0x, to make it sneaky), which you'll be damn lucky
to figure out from reading Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt.  Then you
get to set it to another such magical value, which is in decimal unless you
add a leading 0x (cat /proc/x/coredump_filter > /proc/y/coredump_filter
does not copy the setting, go team).

I have kicking around this half-assed bash script that I don't care to
bother making really presentable.  Where should it live?  In the upstream
kernel's scripts/?  (Then noone would ever see it for sure.)  
In util-linux-ng?  Or what?  Someone want to take it off my hands?


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