de-modularising for the win!

Jon Masters jcm at
Tue Sep 30 14:38:12 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 10:33 -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Jon Masters (jcm at said: 
> > Which means that third parties will end up getting into the kernel
> > rebuilding business if their modules are unloadable. Suddenly you have
> > users running many different builds of the same Fedora kernel, and
> > asking for help on mailing lists, and all of that goodness.
> Really? Do you have actual stats for the number (percentage) of Fedora
> users that *actually* need to update their modules (as opposed to following
> some blindly ridiculous message-board advice...)

Nope. I'm just taking the viewpoint that users shouldn't be artificially
restricted from doing so. I know this isn't the case right now, and the
proposed modules being built-in are fairly harmless, but I'm raising
this now before users can't build their own graphics drivers or whatever
else they would like to add to their system, based on choice.


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