arch fun.

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Fri Feb 6 11:20:03 UTC 2009

On 06.02.2009 12:07, Prarit Bhargava wrote:
> Dave Jones wrote:
>>  > 2.  Will we eventually rename kernel-PAE.686 to kernel.686?
>> I don't think we can, otherwise someone with non-PAE 686's who
>> does an update will suddenly find themselves unable to boot.
> I was thinking about this for a little while.
> [...]
> I'm probably missing something obvious 

Yes -- all that have kernel.i686 installed now would get the new 
kernel.i686 later (the one with PAE). But the latter will not boot on 
all machines where the curret kernel.i686 works. If there is no 
kernel.i686 (because it is named kernel-PAE.i686), then yum/anaconda 
will automatically install kernel.i586, which is what should happen to 
make sure all system still boot after updating.

But maybe some yum/anaconda plugin/magic could automatically select the 
best kernel on update. Not sure, but something like that might be needed 
for Live-CD-Installs anyway


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