Current F14 kernel build failures

Ozan Çağlayan ozan at
Thu Dec 23 06:08:50 UTC 2010

Çarşamba 22 Aralık 2010 günü (saat 20:35:48) Jarod Wilson şunları yazmıştı:
> On Dec 22, 2010, at 12:54 PM, Ozan Çağlayan wrote:

> Probably also requires additional upstream patches. The i2c device
> ID stuff has been deprecated for a while, and was removed entirely.
> However, I have to ask... Why should we care that something we have
> explicitly disabled doesn't build? :)

No problem. I'm taking a lot of Fedora patches to my tree and because the
configuration differs in some places, I've noticed those failures and just
wanted to tell.


Ozan Çağlayan
TUBITAK/UEKAE - Pardus Linux

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