compilation (and build) problems

Don Zickus dzickus at redhat.com
Thu Jan 6 15:23:43 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 10:18:42AM -0500, Jarod Wilson wrote:
> > We could probably mimic the old linux-kernel-test.patch which was a stub
> > patch to allow developers to quickly test their patches without mucking
> > with the spec file, but instead for config files (like the %rhel thing).
> I think this would suffice:
> # This file is empty in stock builds, but can be populated with local
> # config option overrides for custom local builds
> Source1000: config-local
> Then, in %prep, in a loop similar to the if rhel one:
>     ./merge.pl %{SOURCE1000} $i.tmp > $i
> Since the file is empty in stock configs, the above in that case would
> simply be a no-op. If its populated by someone doing a local rebuild, then
> their config options get overlayed on top of the stock ones.

That is sorta what I was thinking too.


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