compilation (and build) problems

Jarod Wilson jarod at redhat.com
Thu Jan 6 21:23:52 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 01:13:41PM -0800, JD wrote:
> >>> I think this would suffice:
> >>>
> >>> # This file is empty in stock builds, but can be populated with local
> >>> # config option overrides for custom local builds
> >>> Source1000: config-local
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Then, in %prep, in a loop similar to the if rhel one:
> >>>
> >>>      ./merge.pl %{SOURCE1000} $i.tmp>   $i
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Since the file is empty in stock configs, the above in that case would
> >>> simply be a no-op. If its populated by someone doing a local rebuild, then
> >>> their config options get overlayed on top of the stock ones.
> >> Do you even need the for loop? Since you are dealing with just one
> >> local config file?
> >> Or is the purpose of putting it in the loop   to superimpose the
> >> local configs on top
> >> of the vanilla configs for all the  kernel.*-config  files?
> > Yes, the idea is to overlay the changes on every flavor of kernel. In the
> > standard released kernel rpmbuild for x86_64, you get kernel and
> > kernel-debug, and we want the changes stacked on top of both of them. The
> > for loop also makes sure its arch-agnostic.
> Would this loop in the spec file do it?
> .
> .
>    for i in %{all_arch_configs}
>    do
>      mv $i $i.tmp
>      ./merge.pl %{Source1000} $i.tmp > $i
>      rm $i.tmp
>    done

Yep. In other words, use the exact same for loop that's already there
inside the '%if 0%{?rhel}' clause, just without the clause and with the
overlay file instead of config-rhel-generic. :)

Jarod Wilson
jarod at redhat.com

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