Compilation error in kernel-

JD jd1008 at
Fri Jan 7 15:45:12 UTC 2011

On 01/07/2011 05:13 AM, Mr Dash Four wrote:
>> So, why is it building for PAE when the rpmbuild arg expplicitly 
>> states --without pae?
>> I have saved the .config file.
>> Are there kernel devs on this list who could advise me on the next 
>> step to take?
> I've had this since the beginning when I started building kernels from 
> source (FC5, I think). Even though "with/without pae" is an "option" 
> it is hard-coded for i686/i386 architectures in the kernel.spec file 
> (see kernel.spec line 221 onwards). To change this, *every* time I 
> compile a kernel for i686 arch I do the following:
> vi kernel.spec, then search for "with_pae 1" (line 223) and replace it 
> with "with_pae 0". Very ugly hack and it shouldn't be that way, but it 
> is not the first time things like this are propping up with the 
> kernel. Hope this helps!
Thanx! Will try.

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