compilation (and build) problems

JD jd1008 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 22:45:33 UTC 2011

On 01/07/2011 11:15 AM, Don Zickus wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 01:36:59PM -0500, Jarod Wilson wrote:
>> I just implemented exactly what I described here locally, and it worked
>> perfectly. The config-local file needs to be a Source: file so that it
>> actually gets included in the source rpm, and I'm not sure why you're
>> doing anything touching debuginfo bits...
>> My test case was to simply add CONFIG_VIDEO_VIA_CAMERA=y to my
>> config-local, as I know its disabled in the stock config, because it
>> doesn't build (due to a dependency on updated viafb bits in 2.6.37). I
>> created a source rpm with that modified config-local, then did an
>> rpmbuild, and it failed on drivers/media/video/via-camera.c exactly like
>> I'd expected it to. So I suspect you've either done something wrong with
>> your implementation or you execution. :)
> Jarod,
> Patch please, just don't make sure everyone is on the same page.
> JD,
> Can you provide your .config that you want to use to make sure we aren't
> missing something obvious?
> Cheers,
> Don

Hi Don,
What I will attach here is the .config that I custom make
after doing make oldconfig (from previous kernel), followed
by make xconfig, to change defaults set by make oldconfig
to my preferences.
Usually after this step I run make all.
rpmbuild via spec file will simply NOT allow me to have these

Let's hope it will not be blocked by the server again.



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