Compilation error in kernel-

Jarod Wilson jarod at
Mon Jan 10 22:46:57 UTC 2011

On Jan 7, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Jarod Wilson wrote:

>>> I swear we added pae bits in at some point, but
>>> they sure don't seem to be there right now...
>> All this could easily be rectified by adding a line similar to the 
>> with/without debug for example
> Yes, that's what I was alluding to. I swear we *did* have those in the
> kernel spec at some point, but of course, I can't find 'em... Oh hell.
> Scratch that, I just found them. The additions I was thinking of are in
> the RHEL5 kernel spec, but apparently never made it into the Fedora kernel
> spec. I'll port them over.

Support for --without pae and --with paeonly added in kernel build, which is on its way to koji right now.

Said build also includes the config-local patch as posted to this
list, which works perfectly for me and for Don. The intended use is
for overlaying just select config option overrides, not an entire
config file, but Don seems to have shown that even the latter works
just fine...

Jarod Wilson
jarod at

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