compilation (and build) problems

Mr Dash Four mr.dash.four at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 13 15:52:59 UTC 2011

> If we modified the config files to do what you wanted, it would spew
> hundreds of warnings.
If hundreds of options have been ignored, then yes - I have no problem 
with that (contrary to what you may be thinking).

>   The way the Fedora config files work is that they
> are mashed together and the Kconfig files are expected filter out the ones
> that do not belong to the particular arch-variant.  If it spewed out
> hundreds of warnings you would be sitting here complaining that it is too
> noisy and you couldn't notice your config option was dropped.
How did you figure that one out exactly?! Read again what I wrote 
earlier - I will have no problem with 'hundreds of warnings' provided 
the same amount of options have been ignored and/or silently dropped - 
no problem at all. You are the one who assume (rather wrongly, as it 
turns out) that I will be moaning about these warnings. Based on what 
exactly is that assumption of yours?

> That is the way Fedora maintainers expect it and prefer it.
Well, I am not a Fedora maintainer and I do not like it, so there. As I 
already pointed out - if a set of options have been silently ignored I 
should at least be given a warning otherwise there is no way I will 
notice this until the kernel is built and even then I have to "swim 
through the sea of endless config options" in order to find out. I 
thought I was very clear on this.

>> What happens if further down the line someone decides to place some
>> more drivers in the staging area - do I have to spent another week
>> to ten days posting in this mailing list to find out what is going
>> on?! Wouldn't you agree that it would be much easier for people like
>> myself if there was a warning in place and I knew well in advance
>> what has been silently ignored, or, for whatever reason, discarded
>> during the kernel build instead of 'swim through the sea of endless
>> config options' as you eloquently put it?
> Then for god's sake just use an upstream kernel with your own personal
> config options. Stop wasting our time here.
What I do and choose is my own business, besides, the last time I 
checked I am not holding you at gunpoint to respond to my posts with 
mindless ramblings, am I?

>>> Let Fedora choose the rest for you.
>> My past experience tells me that is, most often than not, not the
>> best course of action - relying on Fedora to do my job is not always
>> a good idea.
> Then I guess we are done here.  I tried to volunteer my time to help, but
> now you want something that Fedora really doesn't want to support and were
> provided a wiki page that explicitly said that.
If Fedora doesn't want/can't be bothered to fix something which is, and 
has always been, wrong, then yes - we are 'done here' indeed.

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