Kernel testing on GA Releases.

Justin M. Forbes jforbes at
Tue Jul 2 14:35:29 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 10:07 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this but a lot of reporters test 
> and run development and more recent kernels then those that are 
> available via the usual GA update mechanism and recent changes [1] which 
> introduce hard dependency on dracut and systemd versions on kernel 
> installs are preventing the ability for reporters to either a) enable 
> fedora-rawhide-kernel-nodebug.repo or b) manually install specific 
> kernel release from koji and test more recent kernels on already 
> existing GA releases.

We are very supportive of this, and frequently point people towards
rawhide-nodebug. If people don't want to run full rawhide, we would love
for them to at least run kernel snapshots.

> If we now have hard dependency's on specific dracut/systemd versions we 
> need to start looking into sync-ing kernel/dracut/systemd releases 
> better in GA ( arguably the entire base/core stack but that's a topic 
> for a later time) or back port the necessary bits that the kernel 
> install requires into the kernel/systemd/dracut releases in GA.
This is a rare instance, and it hit several people.  If I had the option
of putting the required changes into F17/F18 I would have, but Harald
did put them in 19 at least.  This is a situation we really prefer to
avoid, but sometimes there is no other way.


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