Cloud product kernel requirements

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Wed Nov 6 16:32:44 UTC 2013

> Well SPICE is providing the link between the guest OS and the client
> machine for display interaction purposes. It has the ability to tunnel
> access to limited devices, in particular smartcards and USB devices
> attached to the client machine.
> PCI passthrough though is a different scenario - it is enabling the
> guest to use hardware resources present on the physical host. The client
> viewer machine isn't involved in this at all. Assigning dedicated virtual
> functions to each guest, from a SRIOV NIC on the host is most common
> use case for PCI assignment.  VGA passthrough is a less common and more
> limited use case, since there aren't any multi-function VGA devices you
> can only help 1 single guest per physical host device.

The two I see on a regular basis is Storage and Network through SRIOV.
The other one that is coming up in discussions more and more is GPGPU
resources. I know amazon offers this but TBH I'm ignorant as to how
they provide this functionality, whether the device is provided by
pass-through or whether it's accessed in some other means.


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