Cloud product kernel requirements

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at
Wed Oct 30 14:40:44 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Josh Boyer" <jwboyer at>
> To: "Fedora Cloud SIG" <cloud at>
> Cc: "Kernel Fedora" <kernel at>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 7:07:46 AM
> Subject: Cloud product kernel requirements
> Hi All,
> I realize the WG is just forming up and you have a lot of other items
> to cover for now, but I wanted to get this sent out and have people
> start thinking about it sooner rather than later.
> The kernel team has heard in the past that the Cloud group would like
> to see something of a more minimal kernel for usage in cloud images.
> We'd like to hear the requirements for what this smaller image would
> need to cover.
> Right now, a default x86_64 kernel package on f20 is ~134MB installed.
>  Most of that is device drivers installed in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/.
>  The vmlinux binary is about 5MB and the initramfs (which is created
> at install time and can actually vary quite widely depending on
> various things) is about 11MB.  Drivers can be trimmed to a degree,
> but please keep in mind that the kernel is already relatively small
> for the functionality it provides.  For example, it is not much bigger
> than glibc-common (119MB).
> So, some caveats to keep in mind while you're thinking about this:
> 1) We're mostly talking about packaging here, not building a separate
> cloud kernel package or vmlinux.  The kernel team really wants to have
> a single vmlinux across the 3 products if at all possible.  We can't
> scale to much else.
> 2) What usecases is the cloud image going to cover?  E.g. is it just
> virtio stuff, or will it also fit PCI passthru (which then requires
> drivers for those PCI devices)?

I may be totally ... well.. uneducated here, but this sort of sounds a bit like it may be related to spice (someone, by all means, tell me if i'm just grasping at thin air on this one....)

Anyway - in my googling I saw this mail - - i don't know if that is going to help anyone, or not. It's almost making me wonder if that's an interesting overlap with the desktop team?

> 3) What are the common provisioning requirements that are driving the
> size reduction?  (See comment about glibc-common.  I would think
> change is needed in multiple packages, not just the kernel.)
> 4) Other "cloudy" stuff that I'm entirely unaware of that might be
> relevant.  Explain it to me like I'm a child.

I have nothing else useful here coming to mind, but I did note this on the PRD just so it's something for us to kep track of - i made a "bucket list" in the detailed requirements section with a link to this mail.

> Thanks!
> josh
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