First 3.17 merge window kernel

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Tue Aug 12 17:12:16 UTC 2014

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 12:13:10 -0400
Josh Boyer <jwboyer at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just kicked off the first 3.17 merge window kernel build on koji.
> I've tested it locally here on a few machines and haven't noticed any
> significant issues.  If you feel so inclined, please grab it from koji
> when it completes and try it out.  Let us know how it's working.  If
> for some reason it's broken on a significant number of machines, I can
> try untagging it before it his the rawhide repo tomorrow.

Seems to work fine here...

I did see an odd message about efi var's before the kernel started
booting, it went by too fast to catch, and doesn't seem to be causing
any problems I can tell. 


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