Android Emulator not working with 3.18.3-201.fc21 and onwards

Sudhir Khanger ml at
Thu Feb 12 14:38:27 UTC 2015

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Justin M. Forbes <jforbes at> wrote:
> Is the problem reproducible on 3.19? I will leave 3.19.0 in
> rawhide-nodebug for a couple of days to allow testing.

Will the rawhide kernel work on Fedora 21 for testing purposes? If not
I will try to find a machine to run Rawhide

The following error seems to be causing the problem.

emulator: Error while connecting to socket '': 111 ->
Connection refused
emulator: ASC Retrying connection. Connector FD = 27
emulator: Error while connecting to socket '': 111 ->
Connection refused
emulator: ASC Retrying connection. Connector FD = 27
emulator: Error while connecting to socket '': 111 ->
Connection refused
emulator: ASC Retrying connection. Connector FD = 27
emulator: Error while connecting to socket '': 111 ->
Connection refused
emulator: ASC Retrying connection. Connector FD = 27
emulator: Error while connecting to socket '': 111 ->
Connection refused
emulator: ASC Retrying connection. Connector FD = 27

Sudhir Khanger,,,
5577 8CDB A059 085D 1D60  807F 8C00 45D9 F5EF C394.

PS:- Pardon me. I am not sure why emails from me are creating new
threads and reply-to is not set to fedora-kernel mailing list. I am
using Gmail.

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