iwl3945 - any hints with F7?

disposablemk-redhatml at yahoo.com disposablemk-redhatml at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 26 01:39:22 UTC 2007


I never did get iwlwifi working well.  I ended up switching to the old ipw3945 driver.


----- Original Message ----
From: Mike C <mike.cohler at gmail.com>
To: fedora-laptop-list at redhat.com
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:15:05 AM
Subject: iwl3945 - any hints with F7?

I have been running ipw3945 in FC6 on a Samsung Q35 for some time and would like
to install F7 but am nervous about doing this unless I know that iwl3945 works
reliably in F7.

I would like to be able to simply have a
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 file setup, make sure the firmware is
there and then boot so that the iwl3945 is then as simple as ipw2200 in another
laptop with F7.  

Does anyone have iwl3945 working well and consistently with F7?

If so a few success stories would inspire my confidence in doing the F7 install
on this machine (I run F7 on every other machine I am looking after none of
which use the 3945 card!)


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