help!!!!!!!!!!!Fedora zod hangs on compaq

Colin Charles byte at
Sun Feb 18 17:45:24 UTC 2007

sudeep s wrote:
> I installed fedora core 6  x86_64 on my compaq presario V6106 AU running 
> AMD turion 64*2 processor,nvidia chipset and nvidia graphics card... but 
> the problem is it  gets hung while loading at times...if i start the X 
> from my shell(I installed using linux text while installing) and  logout 
> from the X,it freezes always...could some body help me out 
> please.....even when i installed x86 also i had the same probelm........

Do you have anything from /var/log/messages ?

I notice you mention nvidia graphics card - are you using binary nvidia 

P/S: since you did a text based install, and probably want X to start by 
default, you want to edit /etc/inittab, and when you (probably) see 
id:3:initdefault:, you want to make sure that 3 becomes 5. init 5 is 
where X starts automagically

Colin Charles,
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win." -- Mohandas Gandhi

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