fedora zod hangs.......

sudeep s lonelyranger80 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 19 18:35:31 UTC 2007

This is my 2nd mail to the group..... I hav been trying since quite long to make fedora zod to work on my compaq presario V6106AU laptop...... At times it hangs while loading, n even though I could start my X after installing kmod-nvidia n xorg-x11-nvidia drivers, it completely crashes 1ce I try to log out of X.......
  I installed fedora using the linux-text option and hence I start X by startx..... I tried modifying the initscripts to made init 5 as the default boot level, it ws more worse, even I couldnt log into X, it was crashing.... even the hidd daemon is showing some segmentation problem once I shutdown my system from shell(only when I dont start X,if I start X it hangs when i logout)......
  Please somebody help me.........

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