intel pro/set wireless

Arturo Alejandro Hoffstadt Urrutia ahoffsta at
Mon Jan 29 15:09:37 UTC 2007

El Sábado, 27 de Enero de 2007 12:54, Andrew Raggett escribió:
> Hi
> I am having difficulty getting Fedora core 6 to recognise my wireless
> adapter. It is not listed and the wifi button isn't highlighted. I have
> tried to follow online instructions but they are too complicated for my
> non-programming mind, yet this is the only thing that isn't working on
> this otherwise flawless (so far) platform
> Anyone who has a bit of patience please could you help out? What do I
> need to look for? Is it really that difficult to get it working?!

So far as I know, the ipw2*** cards have a non-open-source firmware, so it 
cannot be shipped with Fedora.

You need to download the firmware and install it in your system.

Recomendation: use livna.
(They have the rpm packages for the firmware you need)

> cheers
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Arturo Hoffstadt Urrutia                       ahoffsta at
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil Informática
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
"La magia existe, solo debes buscar mejor"

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