Best way to configure Fedora 7 for WiFi access?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Fri Jun 8 18:28:52 UTC 2007

Joe Desbonnet wrote:
> If one has to connect to many different wireless networks throughout
> the week, what is the recommended way Fedora should be configured?
> Enable NetworkManager?


> I notice that NetworkManager is disabled by default -- is there a
> reason for this? I would have thought that should be enabled by
> default on laptops?

Yes but there are some missing features that needs to be fixed before it 
gets activated by default which is the plan for the next release. Note 
that it is enabled by default in the live images in this release already.

> Also I notice that with my Thinkpad T41p now running Fedora 7 if
> NetworkManager is enabled, then Suspend To RAM does not work: the
> system wakes up immediately and becomes unstable (stuff starts to hang
> - eg system shutdown will not complete and a hard reset is needed).
> On the other hand Suspend To Disk (hibernate) works with
> NetworkManager, but on wakeup the wireless device needs to be
> explicitly brought back (/sbin/ifconfig wifi0 up) -- is this a bug?

Yes. See also


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