Comments on power history application

Joe Desbonnet joe at
Mon Jun 11 00:55:26 UTC 2007

Some random notes on this tool.

1. It no longer seems to be possible to reset the time axis

2. There should be an option to switch between time-since-reboot (what
we have now) and
absolute time

3. The time tic/grid algorithm is poor. The tics and grid lines on the
time axis should be nice multiples. I'm looking at a graph right now
and the time axis reads:
67h21  67h45  68h09  68h33  68h57  : ie 24 minutes between each grid
line -- very hard to read. 67h30 68h00 68h30 69h00 would have been a
much better choice in this case.

4. The event markers are nice... the obvious next step would be to add
a tool-tip style
explanation when the mouse is hovered over it.

5. There is no event log (I think there was with FC6?)

6. The Voltage axis in the Voltage history starts at 0V. As battery
voltage varies by only a few  volts and never goes near 0V the
interesting information is hard to see in this graph ... ie it's
almost a straight line.

7: (I'm probably asking too much here): It would be very nice to get
more "instrumentation" data on the same graph. Eg:
Time vs CPU load, disk activity, battery charge %, battery voltage,
current draw (if available), CPU/main board/battery temperatures if
available  etc...  A laptop dash-board.

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