F7 on a Toshiba A200 , and problems

Manuel Morán Vaquero manuvigo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 14:20:56 UTC 2007


I've written a report about F7 installation on a Toshiba Satellite A200:


Still having two big problems:

- SUSPEND doesn't work as of current kernel (hibernate DOES work). 
Tested every quirk in HAL page. Nothing: my laptop suspends but never 
resumes (hangs, and find / doesn't work). Should I fill a bugzilla?

- HARD DISK HEADS suffer from emergency parking because of this 
unresolved bug:


The bug is now open for more than 20 days and being a critical thing, it 
hasn't been solved yet. I have to boot into Windows to poweroff my 
laptop so as not to damage hard disk heads.

Any hints or help? I hope that my report is of help to new users.


Manuel Moran

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