Startup/shutdown problems: HAL and SCSI synchronizing fails

Legéndi Richárd Olivér roante at
Fri Sep 21 06:56:11 UTC 2007


I'm new to Linux and to Fedora, and having some minor problems with 
installing it on my laptop (a Clevo SmartNote) :-).

My greatest problem is that I cannot shut down the computer 9 of 10 
times, due I get the following message on the console:

Halting system
md: stopping all md devices
Synchronizing SCSI cache for disks sda

And here it stops functionating ;] I waited for ages but nothing 
happens. It sometimes replying for CTRL + C/D, but then it gives the 
same message and still does nothing (afterwards it seems its totally 

Can I disable this thing somehow? Any tips how to solve it? I was 
searching the web for any solutions but haven't found anything :-(

I was told I should try to downgrade the kernel to make fedora recognize 
it a simple hda rather than a sda. I've downgraded the kernel to 2.6.18, 
but I still experience the problem.  I'm frightened a little if this 
could damage my HDD, and it makes me a little frustrated :-(

When I start the computer, it takes about 5 minutes, because the HAL 
daemon seems to fail or something. Where to start looking for the 
problem? I'm curious because everything seems to working fine...

Regardless of this startup / shutdown problems I'm proud of having 
Fedora installed :D

Any replies would be greatly appreciated!!

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