Computer name of wireless connection on router

Arjan Hulshoff arjan.m.hulshoff at
Sun Jul 27 13:41:21 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I have an issue with registering my computer name on my router using 
Fedora 9. In fact it only causes a problem when I am using the wireless 
NIC. When using the wired network my computer name gets registered on my 
router flawlessly. The router I am using is a SMC 2804WBR. 
NetworkManager is controlling both my wired and wireless NIC. I have 
adjusted ifcfg-wlan0 to match as much as possible to ifcfg-eth0. The 
hosts and network files should be okay as the wired network works well. 
Can someone give me a few pointers to what I should do?

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