Laptop support in F10

Fastie fastie81 at
Wed Nov 26 20:37:18 UTC 2008

So I have been running F10 from the 4 Nov and last night I did the last
updates for F10, witch I think is now the F10 release.
And over the few weeks I have notice that Laptop support is coming and
>From my view I have to say that we lost all the worked that has been done on
the laptop-support in F9 in this release.
I have raised this before and it sort of came back but now it is all gone
My laptop is not even going in suspend mode when I close the lid. No laptop
buttons is working, and they where all working in F9 with not doing
anything. This is very disappointing for me that use my laptop for business.
It feels like I am back in the 90's where I need to boot up and shut down
every time I move between offices.
Has Laptop support been kicked out in favour for something ells?
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