MacBook Pro FC9 Issues

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at
Wed Sep 10 19:49:03 UTC 2008

Rupak kumar Bag schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. September 2008:


> 2) Second issue is bluetooth. The adapter is detected but it is unable
> to find any other bluetooth device like my cell phone. Folks please let
> me know if you have any solution.

I don't know how to help you with your first problem, but I might have an 
idea on the second.

I encountered a simmilar problem on a MacBook (not Pro). I figured out 
that the Bluetooth adapter was initially in HID mode, so I had to switch 
it to HCI mode.

hid2hci should do the trick. I've put this command in /etc/rc.local so it 
is executed on every boot.

Adalbert Prokop

Alexander Hamilton started the U.S. Treasury with nothing - and that was 
the closest our country has ever been to being even. -- The Best of Will 

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