CPU/GPU? Lockup on Dell Latitude C640

Brian Millett bmillett at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 21:31:25 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 21:17 +0000, William M. Quarles wrote:
> All memory tests were successful in the first pass. I also ran the, what was it, "bit decay test," or something like that, and it was successful on the first pass of that as well.
> However, I did notice something odd... this is a Pentium 4 system, 400 MHz FSB, 266 MHz DDR RAM... the testing program reported an FSB speed of 99 MHz... any thoughts on that?
> Any further suggestions that might trouble shoot this installation problem?

Well, if it is a heat problem then you might try the mighty blow.
Meaning grab the laptop, put mouth very close to the exhaust port and
BLOW.  For my dell d820 it is just behind, to the left.  Dust should
appear everywhere.  It just might be a dust problem.

Other than that, I'm not sure.
Brian Millett - [ Delenn (re: Japanese stone garden), "The Gathering"]
"Notice the waves, each moving in its own order. Predictable...unchanging.
 But drop in a single stone and see how the pattern changes. Everything
 around it is altered."

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