More progress, but still cannot activate wireless card connection.

Steven F. LeBrun steven at
Thu Jul 30 14:26:47 UTC 2009

On 07/28/2009 08:56 AM, derek starr wrote:
> To Steven F. LeBrun, Michael Franc
> Michael Frank, thanks for telling me about the 'system -> 
> administration -> add/remove' applet.  I loaded my Intel Corporation 
> PRO/Wireless 3945ABG device driver with that applet.
> 'lsmod | grep iwl' now shows
> iwl3945               125016  0
> mac80211              164704  1 iwl3945
> lib80211                5064  1 iwl3945
> cfg80211               30560  2 iwl3945,mac80211
> Steven, I must have removed my wlan0 entry from NetworkManager by 
> mistake.  Only wlan1 shows in that applet at the moment.  Before I 
> used NetworkManger so many times. trying by experimentation, to 
> activate my wireless card, wlan0 showed up in NetworkManger.  Is there 
> any way for me to get wlan0 back?
> now 'less /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices' only shows:
> drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 2009-07-27 08:42 ./
> drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 2009-04-14 07:25 ../
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  153 2009-07-27 08:47 ifcfg-eth0
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  198 2009-07-27 08:47 ifcfg-wlan1
> -rw-------. 1 root root    5 2009-07-27 08:47 keys-wlan1
> And now, 'less /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts' only shows one ifcfg* file:
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root   254 2009-05-01 13:35 ifcfg-lo
> In the NetworkManager, under the 'Devices' tab, when I click on the 
> 'Edit' icon, the dialog page/General tab that appears, the checkbox 
> item for wlan1 "Controlled by NetworkManager" was definitely deselected.
> But then, When I try to actviate wlan1 in NetWorkManager, I always get 
> an error message box, saying wlan1 cannot be activated.  The dialog 
> message box never says why wlan1 cannot be selected.
> I want to thank everyone for helping me so much with my problems, 
> trying to activate my wireless card.  I know you put a lot of valuable 
> time in to preparing your answers to my problems.
> But I have to admit, I am getting sort of desperate!  What should I do 
> next?  I definitely want to access my city's WiFi network.  I am going 
> to study the fedora-network-manager list next, even if I do not hear 
> from you guys.
> Derek Starr
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Hi Derek,

There is something else that you can try  but it is tedious.  You can 
try running and debugging the bash scripts that attempt to bring up your 
wireless adapter, starting with /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup.

What I did was make copies of the scripts involved; ifup, ifup-eth, 
ifup-wireless and network-functions.  Step one was to make sure that 
your personal copies call your personal copies (ifup --> ifup-eth --> 
ifup-wireless).  Step two was to place many echo statements into your 
personal copies to track variable values and execution path.  Step three 
was to run your personal scripts.

There is a Step zero, run the original scripts (I believe you start with 
"ifup wlan1") to make sure that they fail to start your wireless 
adapter.  If the scripts do not fail, there is no reason to try to debug 

If I had a bash debugger that would have allowed me to step through the 
scripts, I would have used that.  Instead, I had to do the primitive way 
of adding "print" statements, in this case, echo statements.  I also 
did  not add all the echo statements to start with.  I added echo 
statements first to track down which script was failing, and then added 
more as needed to see what variables settings were.  The first phase was 
to make sure that there was an echo statement at the beginning of every 
script so that I knew what script was executing when the activation of 
the wireless failed.  Echo statements to see what arguments were passed 
to different function/script/program calls helped too.

Hopefully, this will tell you what is going wrong and provide enough 
information to fix it.  One of the problems that I ran into was that the 
key was being provided preceded by "s:" when it should have been "0x".

Good luck.  Let me know if this helps.  I will try to remember what else 
I did to get my wireless adapter working back in Fedora 9.

     Steven F. LeBrun

Quote: /"One day a peacock. The next day a feather duster."/
     ---  Democrat Patrick Quinn, Illinois lieutenant governor

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