Q: which package contains laptop mode tools?

Ansgar Konermann konermann at itikko.net
Fri May 15 00:00:58 UTC 2009

Hello :-)

I accidentally erased /etc/laptop-mode. Can I get it back by 
re-installing a certain package? If so, which one would that be? If not, 
what other options do I have?

Want the whole story?

Being confused by a number of forum posts out on the internet, I dared 
to install laptop-mode-tools-x.y.rpm from the laptop mode tools' 
homepage. After installation, I noticed that FC 10 obviously has laptop 
mode tools already integrated - there was a folder /etc/laptop-mode with 
timestamps of "some time ago". One fresh subfolder 
/etc/laptop-mode/conf.d had a timestamp some seconds ago, this obviously 
had been created by installation of the RPM from the LM tools homepage.

Silly me simply uninstalled the LM RPM. With it, the whole folder 
/etc/laptop-mode went to nirvana(tm)... :-(


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