extremely slow copy speed (50k/s)

Ron Leach ronleach at tesco.net
Fri Feb 18 15:17:27 UTC 2011

vinícius mota wrote:
> Briefly, the problem is that the copy speed between the partition in 
> which I am running my Fedora and another partition where I store backup 
> data is now 50K/s, which is extremely slow by any standart (it has been 
> usually around 10M/s, almost 200 times faster). 

Wow, that's slow between partitions.

> One of the disks is partitioned between two operational 
> systems, Fedora 14 64 and Windows 7 64, and the other disk contains the 
> above referred partition where I store my backups (I call it backup 
> disk).
> I login into the windows and 
> made a copy of some AVI files (3G approx) to the backup disk, which went 
> normally

So hardware is ok and, also, Windows' disk handlers are probably ok.

> I move data within the backup iself disk using windows also without any 
> problem. 

I don't think this would move the files, would it?  Wouldn't the 
directory entries, only, change?  Could you try a 'copy' within the 
backup (under windows), just to be sure.  Preferably something quite 

> I try therefore to make the inverse process, a copy from the 
> backup disk into my home folder in Fedora. It went normally, copying 4 G 
> also within few seconds, actually with an excellent speed of 50M/s.


> [Google might show] one cause could be that the source file system (in my 
> case the Fedora home folder) would be near its full capacity.

I wouldn't have thought so; to me it looks much more like a data 
problem on the destination, or a problem in the F14 disk handlers (but 
would have been quite widely reported, by now?).

It is clear that you have been using Fedora for some time so I expect 
you have already done what I will ask, but you did not say.  My first 
thought on reading the symptoms was that, possibly, the backup 
partition is getting full with 'wastebasket/recyclebin' files, which 
have to be 'deleted for real' before the 'new files' that you are 
copying can be copied.  And, maybe, Windows is a little bit faster at 
that than F14 NTFS handlers (maybe).  Maybe F14 is 'deleting for real' 
at a single sector at a time, or something?

I wonder, also, if the number of IO reads and writes on the backup 
disk could be measured and reported; that might provide a clue as to 
whether there is excessive processing, or whether there is otherwise 
some software delay.   But I do not know how to measure IO transactions.

> He is the line of my /etc/fstab file which defines my backup disk, with 
> the label common
> LABEL=common            /home/vinicius/Desktop/common  ntfs    
> auto,user,sync  0 0

Am I correct in thinking that 'sync' disables write-caching?  It might 
be interesting to change that, and see if performance is still just as 

Best of luck, Ron

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