WiFi For laptop

Brian Morrison bdm at fenrir.org.uk
Fri Jun 15 00:21:13 UTC 2012

On Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:31:11 -0700
"Chris Capesius" <capesius at cox.net> wrote:

> Brian,
> It looks like I have a kernel later than 3.2.0, but when I ran the Yum code it couldn’t find it.  I attached my results.

Try a yum clean all as root, the re-run the yum install command.

Have you tried a yum check-update? Your kernel is the original
installed kernel, there are two later than this that I know of,
probably plenty of other packages could do with updating.


Brian Morrison

                "I am not young enough to know everything"
                                                          Oscar Wilde

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