UEFI Secure Dual-boot setup with Microsoft Windows 8

Dexter L. Pearson dexterpearson at aim.com
Thu Aug 1 14:08:06 UTC 2013


      I think more manufacturers are putting in that UEFI functionality 
into their new systems that come preloaded with a form of Windows 8. I 
recently saw it on a HP Pavilion G6 that I gave a family friend as a 
graduation gift. According to the description, UEFI is more for Windows 
8 (possibly Windows 7) and higher OSes. However, on the Pavilion G6, it 
also has a "Legacy BIOS mode" so you can load prior versions of Windows 
and all flavors of UNIX. [You've already done the right thing first and 
foremost -- complete system backup in case of failure.] Drill into the 
BIOS and see if you have a "Legacy BIOS mode" (other manufacturers may 
call it something else). If so, follow the directions/prompts carefully 
about activating it 'cause it may also affect how your other devices may 

Hope that helps,


John Sicora wrote:
> To Whom This May Concern:
> I'm using a new Asus S551LB Laptop.  The system comes with installed 
> Microsoft Windows 8 System.  Installed Fedora-19-X86_64-DVD on sda 1TB 
> built in hard drive.  After successfully installing Fedora 19, the 
> system is unable to recognize the hard drive and boot into GRUB.  
> Restored MS Windows 8 with Clonezilla and MS windows management 
> re-appeared in BIOS in order for system to boot up into Windows 8 
> system.  My issue is how to setup BIOS with UEFI and Secure booting 
> capability in order to use GRUB and Dual boot Fedora and Windows 8.
> Respectfully,
> John Sicora
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