Fedora 19, Music in Youtube

Wesley C. Dias wcdoliveira at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 11:13:36 UTC 2013


Check the codecs.

The Fedora Wiki can help you with this.

2013/10/7 Andreas Assmann <a.g.assmann at gmx.de>

>  I installed Fedora 19 on two laptops (one 32 bit and the other 64 bit).
> In the beginning, after the initial installation of Fedora 19, I could
> listen to music videos on Youtube on both of the two laptops without any
> problem. But at a certain moment, I could not hear anything any more (in
> the video, there is now a little "Andrew cross" on the right side of the
> loudspeaker symbol).
> Does anyone of you have an explanation or even a solution for this
> problem? Is there an incompatibility with updates installed AFTER the
> initial installation?
> Thanks so lot. Greetings
> Andrew
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Wesley C. Dias.
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