Kernel Update 3.11.6-200.fc19.x86_64 WIFI Issue

Garry Kraemer ggkraemer at
Fri Oct 25 22:04:33 UTC 2013

I have successfully compiled the kernel source and the Realtek driver
for r8187se, which I need to get my Toshiba laptop WIFI working.

After compiling, I did the following as root:
# mkdir /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/staging/rtl8187se
# cp r8187se.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/staging/rtl8187se/ 
# /sbin/depmod -a
# /sbin/modprobe r8187se

When I run /sbin/modprobe r8187se as root, I get a wifi connection.
If I reboot I have to become root and re-run the command.

What is the correct way to automate this process?
I would expect the driver to be linked in with the kernel code, but I
don't know enough about Linux builds to do it.

I have posted on the forum, but received no replies.



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