[Fedora-legal-list] Re: Artistic license

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at redhat.com
Thu Aug 9 22:53:24 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 13:15 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Tom,
> Tom spot Callaway wrote:
> > Since I know you've got a checkout of everything already, can you tell
> > me how many packages have "Artistic" in their license list? 
> It looks like 703 packages use it (15% of all packages).  Attached is
> a list of packages that matched and their License: tags.

Awesome, thanks Todd.

So, ignoring GPL or Artistic...

We're down to these 44 packages. We need to send each of the packager
maintainer(s) an email, asking them to contact upstream and convince
them to relicense to Artistic 2.0
(http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0) or dual license
with some other license on our "good list" (GPL or Artistic is fine).

If we get a lot of pushback, then we'll reconsider Artistic 1.0's status
as a "bad license", but lets at least try.

Here's the package & maintainers:

cpan2rpm ghenry at suretecsystems.com
crack Christian.Iseli at licr.org
cracklib nalin at redhat.com
d4x matthias at rpmforge.net
elph Christian.Iseli at licr.org
glimmer Christian.Iseli at licr.org
perl-Apache-Session steve at silug.org
perl-Authen-Radius andreas at bawue.net
perl-Class-Data-Accessor cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
perl-Class-Gomor foolish at guezz.net
perl-Class-Singleton steve at silug.org
perl-Crypt-CBC andreas at bawue.net
perl-DBIx-POS cweyl at alumni.drew.edu
perl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple foolish at guezz.net
perl-Font-TTF nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
perl-GD jpo at di.uminho.pt
perl-Image-Size jpo at di.uminho.pt
perl-IO-Multiplex lmb at biosci.ki.se
perl-LockFile-Simple andreas at bawue.net
perl-NetAddr-IP andreas at bawue.net
perl-Net-Netmask wtogami at redhat.com
perl-Net-Packet foolish at guezz.net
perl-Net-Server nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
perl-Net-SNPP jeff at ocjtech.us
perl-Net-Write foolish at guezz.net
perl-Parse-RecDescent rnorwood at redhat.com
perl-pmtools jpo at di.uminho.pt
perl-Razor-Agent wtogami at redhat.com
perl-Regexp-Common rc040203 at freenet.de,lxtnow at gmail.com
perl-SNMP_Session jpo at di.uminho.pt
perl-SVG-Graph alexl at users.sourceforge.net
perl-Text-Autoformat steve at silug.org
perl-Text-Reform steve at silug.org
perl-Tie-EncryptedHash paul at city-fan.org
perl-Unix-Syslog steve at silug.org
perl-XML-Grove rnorwood at redhat.com
pgadmin3 ghenry at suretecsystems.com
pv jhrozek at redhat.com
qsf mlichvar at redhat.com
qstat andy at smile.org.ua
rman mpeters at mac.com
sjasm packages at amiga-hardware.com
tetex-IEEEtran rvinyard at cs.nmsu.edu
z88dk paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk


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