[Fedora-legal-list] GPLv2+ library in AGPLv3 application

Miro Hrončok mhroncok at redhat.com
Wed Nov 20 22:25:18 UTC 2013

I need someone to either support me on this or give me a reason why I'm 

There is a library, that is distributed under the terms of GNU General 
Public License, version 2 or any later version.

And then there's an application, that uses (either dynamically or by 
copying it's source) the library. The app is distribute under the terms 
of GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.

 From the information that I found GPLv2 and AGPLv2 are incompatible 
trough they are almost the same.

While in GPLv3 there is a section 13, that allows the software (in this 
case our library) to be linked or combined in the final product with 
AGPLv3 licensed software, the result being (re)distributed as AGPLv3.


The library having the "or any later version" used, I might chose to 
redistribute it as GPLv3 and therefore everything is fine.

Also, form section 13 it seems that there is no difference if I link or 
copy the software.

It would also be a good idea to add AGPL here:


Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok

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