[Fedora-legal-list] LICENSE file for spec files

Vladimir Rusinov vladimir at greenmice.info
Tue Sep 22 20:35:36 UTC 2015


I working on a project <https://github.com/google/copr-sundry> where I'd
like to distribute several Fedora spec files with some local modifications
(which would not make sense in Fedora).

Now, my organisation requires me to put all third-party code under
third_party/ directory of the repo, along with readme file describing where
it was taken from, list of local modifications and original LICENSE file.

Ok, so I go to
I can find that all Fedora spec files licensed under MIT.
Since I'm not sure which MIT variant do you use, I go and read FPCA which
says ""MIT License" means the license identified as "Modern Style
withsublicense" at <

So I go to
to find there things like "Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source
Software Center Ltd" and "The above copyright notice and this permission
notice shall be includedin all copies or substantial portions of the

And I'm not sure if Thai Open Source Software Center actually has
copyrights for Fedora spec files.

So, which MIT license text should I use?
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