[Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi - comments

Darko Ilic darko.ilic at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 10:54:16 UTC 2005

On Thursday 25 August 2005 08:53, Glen Eustace wrote:
> Well done, it works !! I have successfully built a bootable CD.

That`s great! Thank you for the feedback. Comments follow.

> 1. Creating a repo was trial and error as I couldn't find any
> instructions :-(

On the page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/KadischiDoc we have a chapter called 
"How to build a repository" (I think I wrote it yesterday) so it shouldn`t be 
a problem anymore :)

> - renamed Fedora to anaconda

Which means you didn`t change productPath variable in 
file /usr/lib/anaconda/product.py like I wrote in installation 
instructions :) Since I received a couple of similar complaints, it would 
really help me if you told me have you read the documentation and still had 
this unclear, or you just skipped the documentation? In other words - should 
I work on the style and quality of documentation, or I should concentrate on 
making documentation more available?

> - Accessed via http, couldn't work out how to get file:// working.

Actually, for the repository that is on your hard drive, you only have to 
provide a path, without any prefixes. For example:

root# kadischi /tmp/fc4 /tmp/livecd.iso 

> 2. Lots of errors from anaconda while processing the hdlist, but at this
> stage nothing appears to be fatal.

It`s on the TODO list already...

> 3. Controlled the process from a minimal kickstart config, specifying no
> packages still resulted in a 628Mb image.
> The challenge for me is to reduce the number of packages, and then to
> customise the build prior to turning it into an iso fs. Not being a
> KickStart guru, I'm going to have to work out how to subtract packages
> from @ Base, which I think is the default if nothing is specified.

628MB is the minimal installation. Shorter selection of packages would result 
in broken dependencies. We had this topic on the list a few days ago...

> There would seem to be several approaches to customising things;
> - the build process could be split so that the tree can be manipulated
> prior to producing the iso fs.
> - one could build an rpm and add it to the repo and the kickstart config
> with all the customisation processing done as part of its install.
> I am not sure what discussion has occurred on the topic to date. Which
> is the preferred approach ?

Well, basically,  we want changes to be reproducible and doing stuff by hand 
isn't. There are ways to perform customization with Kadischi, and I will 
write a couple of words on the subject very soon (today or something). 
Checkout http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/KadischiDoc later.


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