
Jasper O'neal Hartline jasperhartline at adelphia.net
Mon Apr 24 16:11:50 UTC 2006

Jeremy Katz wrote:

>Also needed will be updating livecd-mkrootdev to find a loop device and
>use it for mounting the squashfs. 
I know earlier versions of NASH employed a findlodev, which is 
non-functional now.
Should we use this sort of approach?

>We'll probably also want to write out an /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd with a
>MODULES line prior to running anaconda, so that the proper modules[1]
>end up in the initramfs as generated during the install.
>[1] This will also let us add a set of "common" scsi and sata
>controllers so that people who are using a CD drive attached to one of
>these could use the live CD
If this doesn't need to be dynamically set, surely something like this 
should be sufficient:
modules = ["squashfs", "loop", "scsi_mod", "sd_mod"]
output = open("%s/etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd" %(sysdir,))
output.write(MODULES="%s" %(modules,))

J. Hartline

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