[Fedora-livecd-list] Kadischi - Xen & Bootsplash - patch

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Tue Mar 14 10:32:01 UTC 2006

On 3/14/06, J. Hartline <jasperhartline at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> I've changed the patch a bit for using Xen and bootsplash files for
> Kadischi.
> The patch is attached below along with the Makefile.am configure.ac and
> bootsplash/Makefile.am.
> See how this works out for you.

Im testing your xen patch, yesterday It failed. (I didn't bother to know why)
But if it fails again, Ill post the relevant stuff.

> If there are any further modifications that need to be done let me know.
> Chitlesh, until I add bootsplash to CVS with the respective files you
> will need to add the files yourself.
> (memtest, isolinux.txt, splash.lss, f1.txt, f4.txt, f5.txt, etc and f2
> and f3.txt if we can get those soon.)

Im working on it for the moment.
If your xen patch works, Ill include the f2.txt f3.txt also

> If at all possible try to get someone from the Docs comittee to proof
> and comment on
> wording, etc so we can eventually get your files and these things committed.

Ok Ill get them comment on those texts !

Nevertheless, One thing!
If you are committing those f?.txt to CVS, will it be before/after the
FC5 launch?

If not, Ill replace "Fedora Core 5 Test 3" by "Fedora Core 5" on those texts.

Or we don't mind either, we just change it to "Fedora Core 5" ?


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