[Fedora-livecd-list] PowerPC support.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Sun Apr 29 13:31:57 UTC 2007

At http://git.infradead.org/?p=users/dwmw2/livecd-ppc.git
(git://git.infradead.org/~dwmw2/livecd-ppc.git) there's a set of patches
which first introduces a little abstraction for the arch-specific
configureBootloader() and createIso() functions, then implements the PPC

1.  Allow mayflower path to be specified, to run from git tree
2,  Remove syslinux from package lists; add it dynamically instead.
3.  Move x86-specific functions (createIso, configureBootloader) into subclass
4.  Only create isolinux/ directory in x86-specific configureBootloader()
5.  Add PowerPC support, add pata_mpc52xx module to mayflower.conf

The full patch is as follows...

diff --git a/config/livecd-fedora-desktop.ks b/config/livecd-fedora-desktop.ks
index 1ee6fba..780e201 100644
--- a/config/livecd-fedora-desktop.ks
+++ b/config/livecd-fedora-desktop.ks
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ services --enabled=NetworkManager,dhcdbd --disabled=network,sshd
diff --git a/config/livecd-fedora-kde.ks b/config/livecd-fedora-kde.ks
index 20413b1..9aeceed 100644
--- a/config/livecd-fedora-kde.ks
+++ b/config/livecd-fedora-kde.ks
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ kernel
diff --git a/config/livecd-fedora-minimal.ks b/config/livecd-fedora-minimal.ks
index e8065b6..db52912 100644
--- a/config/livecd-fedora-minimal.ks
+++ b/config/livecd-fedora-minimal.ks
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ repo --name=a-extras-dev --baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/
diff --git a/config/livedvd-fedora-kde.ks b/config/livedvd-fedora-kde.ks
index 1ed2f57..71aa122 100644
--- a/config/livedvd-fedora-kde.ks
+++ b/config/livedvd-fedora-kde.ks
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ kernel
diff --git a/creator/livecd-creator b/creator/livecd-creator
index a526b07..755e659 100755
--- a/creator/livecd-creator
+++ b/creator/livecd-creator
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import traceback
 import subprocess
 import shutil
 import yum
+import rpmUtils.arch
+import rhpl 
 import pykickstart.parser
 import pykickstart.version
@@ -277,6 +279,178 @@ class LiveCDYum(yum.YumBase):
         cb.filelog = False
         return self.runTransaction(cb)
+class InstallationArchPPC:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # For now we need anaconda-runtime, for bits like ofboot.b and mapping files.
+        # We could generate those ourselves though...
+        self.bootldr_package = ("yaboot","anaconda-runtime")
+    def createIso(self, target):
+        """write out the live CD ISO"""
+        subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/mkisofs", "-o", "%s.iso" %(target.fs_label,),
+                         "-hfs", "-hfs-bless", "%s/out/ppc/mac" %(target.build_dir),
+                         "-hfs-volid", "%s" %(target.fs_label,), "-part",
+                         "-map", "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/mapping",
+                         "-J", "-r", "-hide-rr-moved", "-no-desktop",
+                         "-V", "%s" %(target.fs_label,), "%s/out" %(target.build_dir)])
+    def configureBootloader(self, target):
+        """configure the boot loader"""
+        # Copy yaboot and ofboot.b in to mac directory
+        os.makedirs(target.build_dir + "/out/ppc/mac")
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/ofboot.b" %(target.build_dir),
+                        "%s/out/ppc/mac/ofboot.b" %(target.build_dir,))
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot" %(target.build_dir),
+                        "%s/out/ppc/mac/yaboot" %(target.build_dir,))
+        # Copy yaboot and ofboot.b in to mac directory
+        os.makedirs(target.build_dir + "/out/ppc/chrp")
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/bootinfo.txt" %(target.build_dir),
+                        "%s/out/ppc/bootinfo.txt" %(target.build_dir,))
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot" %(target.build_dir),
+                        "%s/out/ppc/chrp/yaboot" %(target.build_dir,))
+        subprocess.call(["/usr/sbin/addnote", "%s/out/ppc/chrp/yaboot" %(target.build_dir,)])
+        os.makedirs(target.build_dir + "/out/ppc/ppc32")
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/boot/vmlinuz-%s"
+                        %(target.build_dir, target.get_kernel_version()),
+                        "%s/out/ppc/ppc32/vmlinuz" %(target.build_dir,))
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/boot/livecd-initramfs.img"
+                        %(target.build_dir,),
+                        "%s/out/ppc/ppc32/initrd.img" %(target.build_dir,))
+        os.unlink("%s/install_root/boot/livecd-initramfs.img"
+                  %(target.build_dir,))
+        os.makedirs(target.build_dir + "/out/ppc/ppc64")
+        # FIXME: Need 64-bit kernel and initrd
+        cfg32 = """
+init-message = "Welcome to the Fedora %(label)s LiveCD"
+""" %{"label": target.fs_label}
+        stanzas = [("linux", "Run from image", ""),
+                   ("runfromram", "Run from RAM - requires 1 GiB+", "live_ram")]
+        if os.path.exists("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5" %(target.build_dir,)):
+            stanzas.append( ("check", "Verify and run from image", "check") )
+        for (short, long, extra) in stanzas:
+            cfg32 += """
+  label=%(short)s
+  initrd=/ppc/ppc32/initrd.img
+  read-only
+  append="ro quiet root=CDLABEL=%(label)s rootfstype=iso9660 %(extra)s"
+""" %{"label": target.fs_label,
+      "short": short, "long": long, "extra": extra}
+        cfgf = open("%s/out/ppc/ppc32/yaboot.conf" %(target.build_dir,), "w")
+        cfgf.write(cfg32)
+        cfgf.close()
+        os.makedirs(target.build_dir + "/out/etc")
+        cfgf = open("%s/out/etc/yaboot.conf" %(target.build_dir,), "w")
+        cfgf.write(cfg32)
+        cfgf.close()
+        # FIXME. Obviously
+        cfg64 = """
+init-message = "Sorry, this LiveCD only supports 32-bit hardware"
+        cfgf = open("%s/out/ppc/ppc64/yaboot.conf" %(target.build_dir,), "w")
+        cfgf.write(cfg64)
+        cfgf.close()
+        # TODO: enable external entitity to partipate in adding boot entries
+        #       build 'netboot' images with kernel+initrd, like mk-images.ppc
+class InstallationArchX86:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.bootldr_package = ("syslinux",)
+    def createIso(self, target):
+        """write out the live CD ISO"""
+        subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/mkisofs", "-o", "%s.iso" %(target.fs_label,),
+                         "-b", "isolinux/isolinux.bin",
+                         "-c", "isolinux/boot.cat",
+                         "-no-emul-boot", "-boot-load-size", "4",
+                         "-boot-info-table", "-J", "-r", "-hide-rr-moved",
+                         "-V", "%s" %(target.fs_label,), "%s/out" %(target.build_dir)])
+    def configureBootloader(self, target):
+        """configure the boot loader"""
+        # set up boot loader
+        #
+        # TODO:
+        #  - fix for archs not using grub
+        #  - fix for non-i386
+        #  - error handling
+        #
+        os.makedirs(target.build_dir + "/out/isolinux")
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/boot/vmlinuz-%s"
+                        %(target.build_dir, target.get_kernel_version()),
+                        "%s/out/isolinux/vmlinuz" %(target.build_dir,))
+        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/boot/livecd-initramfs.img"
+                        %(target.build_dir,),
+                        "%s/out/isolinux/initrd.img" %(target.build_dir,))
+        os.unlink("%s/install_root/boot/livecd-initramfs.img"
+                  %(target.build_dir,))
+        for p in ["isolinux.bin", "vesamenu.c32"]:
+            path = "%s/install_root/usr/lib/syslinux/%s" % (target.build_dir, p)
+            if not os.path.isfile(path):
+                raise InstallationError("syslinux not installed : %s not found" % path)
+            shutil.copy(path, "%s/out/isolinux/%s" % (target.build_dir, p))
+        if os.path.exists("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg" %(target.build_dir,)):
+            shutil.copy("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg" %(target.build_dir,),
+                        "%s/out/isolinux/splash.jpg" %(target.build_dir,))
+            have_background = "menu background splash.jpg"
+        else:
+            have_background = ""
+        cfg = """
+default vesamenu.c32
+timeout 600
+menu title Welcome to %(label)s!
+menu color border 0 #ffffffff #00000000
+menu color sel 0 #ffffffff #ff000000
+menu color title 0 #ffffffff #00000000
+menu color tabmsg 0 #ffffffff #00000000
+menu color unsel 0 #ffffffff #00000000
+menu color hotsel 0 #ff000000 #ffffffff
+menu color hotkey 0 #ffffffff #ff000000
+""" %{"label": target.fs_label, "background" : have_background}
+        stanzas = [("linux", "Run from image", ""),
+                   ("runfromram", "Run from RAM - requires 1 GiB+", "live_ram")]
+        if os.path.exists("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5" %(target.build_dir,)):
+            stanzas.append( ("check", "Verify and run from image", "check") )
+        for (short, long, extra) in stanzas:
+            cfg += """label %(short)s
+  menu label %(long)s
+  kernel vmlinuz
+  append initrd=initrd.img  ro quiet root=CDLABEL=%(label)s rootfstype=iso9660 liveimg %(extra)s
+""" %{"label": target.fs_label, "background" : have_background,
+      "short": short, "long": long, "extra": extra}
+        cfgf = open("%s/out/isolinux/isolinux.cfg" %(target.build_dir,), "w")
+        cfgf.write(cfg)
+        cfgf.close()
+        # TODO: enable external entitity to partipate in adding boot entries
 class InstallationTarget:
     def __init__(self, repos, packages, epackages, groups, fs_label, skip_compression, skip_prelink):
         self.ayum = None
@@ -293,6 +467,14 @@ class InstallationTarget:
         self.bindmounts = []
         self.ksparser = None
+        myarch = rhpl.getArch()
+        if myarch == "i386" or myarch == "x86_64":
+            self.arch = InstallationArchX86()
+        elif myarch == "ppc":
+            self.arch = InstallationArchPPC()
+        else:
+            raise InstallationError("Do not know how to build LiveCD for arch '%s'" % (myarch,))
     def parse(self, kscfg):
         ksversion = pykickstart.version.makeVersion()
         self.ksparser = pykickstart.parser.KickstartParser(ksversion)
@@ -377,7 +559,6 @@ class InstallationTarget:
         except OSError, (err, msg):
             raise InstallationError("Failed create build directory in /var/tmp: %s" % msg)
-        os.makedirs(self.build_dir + "/out/isolinux")
         os.makedirs(self.build_dir + "/out/sysroot")
         os.makedirs(self.build_dir + "/data/sysroot")
         os.makedirs(self.build_dir + "/install_root")
@@ -748,12 +929,12 @@ class InstallationTarget:
         return kernels[0]
-    def createInitramfs(self):
+    def createInitramfs(self, mayflower_path):
         # Create initramfs
-        if not os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower"):
+        if not os.path.isfile(mayflower_path):
             raise InstallationError("livecd-creator not correctly installed : "+
-                                    "/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower not found")
-        shutil.copy("/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower",
+                                    mayflower_path+" not found")
+        shutil.copy(mayflower_path,
                         "%s/install_root/sbin/mayflower" %(self.build_dir,))
         # modules needed for booting (this is butt ugly and we need to retrieve this from elsewhere, e.g. the kernel)
         mayflowerconf = open(self.build_dir + "/install_root/etc/mayflower.conf", "w")
@@ -761,7 +942,7 @@ class InstallationTarget:
         mayflowerconf.write('MODULES+="sata_mv sata_qstor sata_sis sata_uli "\n')
         mayflowerconf.write('MODULES+="sata_nv sata_sil24 sata_svw sata_via "\n')
         mayflowerconf.write('MODULES+="sata_promise sata_sil sata_sx4 sata_vsc "\n')
-        mayflowerconf.write('MODULES+="ata_generic pata_ali pata_amd pata_artop pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_cs5520 pata_cs5530 pata_cs5535 pata_cypress pata_efar pata_hpt366 pata_hpt37x pata_hpt3x2n pata_hpt3x3 pata_isapnp pata_it821x pata_jmicron pata_marvell pata_mpiix pata_netcell pata_ns87410 pata_oldpiix pata_optidma pata_opti pata_pcmcia pata_pdc2027x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_qdi pata_serverworks pata_sil680 pata_sis pata_sl82c105 pata_triflex pata_via pdc_adma "\n')        
+        mayflowerconf.write('MODULES+="ata_generic pata_ali pata_amd pata_artop pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_cs5520 pata_cs5530 pata_cs5535 pata_cypress pata_efar pata_hpt366 pata_hpt37x pata_hpt3x2n pata_hpt3x3 pata_isapnp pata_it821x pata_jmicron pata_marvell pata_mpiix pata_netcell pata_ns87410 pata_oldpiix pata_optidma pata_opti pata_pcmcia pata_pdc2027x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_qdi pata_serverworks pata_sil680 pata_sis pata_sl82c105 pata_triflex pata_via pdc_adma pata_mpc52xx "\n')
         subprocess.call(["/sbin/mayflower", "-f", "/boot/livecd-initramfs.img",
@@ -789,76 +970,8 @@ class InstallationTarget:
     def launchShell(self):
         subprocess.call(["/bin/bash"], preexec_fn=self.run_in_root)
-    def configureBootloader(self):
-        """configure the boot loader"""
-        # set up boot loader
-        #
-        # TODO:
-        #  - fix for archs not using grub
-        #  - fix for non-i386
-        #  - error handling
-        #
-        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/boot/vmlinuz-%s"
-                        %(self.build_dir, self.get_kernel_version()),
-                        "%s/out/isolinux/vmlinuz" %(self.build_dir,))
-        shutil.copyfile("%s/install_root/boot/livecd-initramfs.img"
-                        %(self.build_dir,),
-                        "%s/out/isolinux/initrd.img" %(self.build_dir,))
-        os.unlink("%s/install_root/boot/livecd-initramfs.img"
-                  %(self.build_dir,))
-        for p in ["isolinux.bin", "vesamenu.c32"]:
-            path = "%s/install_root/usr/lib/syslinux/%s" % (self.build_dir, p)
-            if not os.path.isfile(path):
-                raise InstallationError("syslinux not installed : %s not found" % path)
-            shutil.copy(path, "%s/out/isolinux/%s" % (self.build_dir, p))
-        if os.path.exists("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg" %(self.build_dir,)):
-            shutil.copy("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg" %(self.build_dir,),
-                        "%s/out/isolinux/splash.jpg" %(self.build_dir,))
-            have_background = "menu background splash.jpg"
-        else:
-            have_background = ""
-        cfg = """
-default vesamenu.c32
-timeout 600
-menu title Welcome to %(label)s!
-menu color border 0 #ffffffff #00000000
-menu color sel 0 #ffffffff #ff000000
-menu color title 0 #ffffffff #00000000
-menu color tabmsg 0 #ffffffff #00000000
-menu color unsel 0 #ffffffff #00000000
-menu color hotsel 0 #ff000000 #ffffffff
-menu color hotkey 0 #ffffffff #ff000000
-""" %{"label": self.fs_label, "background" : have_background}
-        stanzas = [("linux", "Run from image", ""),
-                   ("runfromram", "Run from RAM - requires 1 GB+", "live_ram")]
-        if os.path.exists("%s/install_root/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5" %(self.build_dir,)):
-            stanzas.append( ("check", "Verify and run from image", "check") )
-        for (short, long, extra) in stanzas:
-            cfg += """label %(short)s
-  menu label %(long)s
-  kernel vmlinuz
-  append initrd=initrd.img  ro quiet root=CDLABEL=%(label)s rootfstype=iso9660 liveimg %(extra)s
-""" %{"label": self.fs_label, "background" : have_background,
-      "short": short, "long": long, "extra": extra}
-        cfgf = open("%s/out/isolinux/isolinux.cfg" %(self.build_dir,), "w")
-        cfgf.write(cfg)
-        cfgf.close()
-        # TODO: enable external entitity to partipate in adding boot entries
-    def install(self):
+    def install(self, mayflower_path):
         for (name, url) in self.repos:
             self.ayum.addRepository(name, url)
@@ -868,24 +981,8 @@ menu color hotkey 0 #ffffffff #ff000000
         if not self.skip_prelink:
-        self.createInitramfs()
-        self.configureBootloader()
-    def createIso(self):
-        """write out the live CD ISO"""
-        subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/mkisofs", "-o", "%s.iso" %(self.fs_label,),
-                         "-b", "isolinux/isolinux.bin",
-                         "-c", "isolinux/boot.cat",
-                         "-no-emul-boot", "-boot-load-size", "4",
-                         "-boot-info-table", "-J", "-r", "-hide-rr-moved",
-                         "-V", "%s" %(self.fs_label,), "%s/out" %(self.build_dir)])
-        # implant an isomd5sum
-        if os.path.exists("/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/implantisomd5"):
-            subprocess.call(["/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/implantisomd5",
-                             "%s.iso" %(self.fs_label,)])
-        else:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "anaconda-runtime not installed; not setting up mediacheck"
+        self.createInitramfs(mayflower_path)
+        self.arch.configureBootloader(self)
     def createSquashFS(self):
         """create compressed squashfs file system"""
@@ -901,7 +998,14 @@ menu color hotkey 0 #ffffffff #ff000000
     def package(self):
-        self.createIso()
+        self.arch.createIso(self)
+        # implant an isomd5sum
+        if os.path.exists("/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/implantisomd5"):
+            subprocess.call(["/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/implantisomd5",
+                             "%s.iso" %(self.fs_label,)])
+        else:
+            print >> sys.stderr, "anaconda-runtime not installed; not setting up mediacheck"
 def usage(out):
     print >> out, """
@@ -911,9 +1015,9 @@ usage: livecd-creator [--help]
                       [--package=<p1>] [--package=<p2> ...]
                       [--exclude-package=<e1>] [--exclude-package=<e2> ...]
-                      [--fslabel=<label>]
+                      [--fslabel=<label>] [--mayflower=<path-to-mayflower-script>]
-                      [--uncompressed-size=<size-in-MB>]
+                      [--uncompressed-size=<size-in-MiB>]
  --help              : Print usage and exit
@@ -923,9 +1027,10 @@ usage: livecd-creator [--help]
  --exclude-package   : Exclude this package
  --base-on           : Add packages to an existing live CD iso9660 image
  --fslabel           : File system label (default: livecd-YYYYMMDD-HHMI)
+ --mayflower         : Path to mayflower script
  --skip-compression  : Don't compress the image
  --prelink           : Prelink the image
- --uncompressed-size : Size of uncompressed fs in MB (default: 4096)
+ --uncompressed-size : Size of uncompressed fs in MiB (default: 4096)
  --shell             : Start a shell in the chroot for post-configuration
@@ -952,6 +1057,7 @@ class Options:
         self.fs_label = "livecd-" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M")
         self.base_on = None
         self.kscfg = None
+        self.mayflower_path = "/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower"
         self.skip_compression = False
         self.skip_prelink = True
         self.uncompressed_size = 4096
@@ -963,7 +1069,7 @@ def parse_options(args):
                                    ["help", "repo=", "base-on=", "package=",
                                     "exclude-package=", "fslabel=", "config=",
                                     "skip-compression", "uncompressed-size=",
-                                    "shell", "no-prelink", "prelink"])
+                                    "mayflower=", "shell", "no-prelink", "prelink"])
     except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
         raise Usage(msg)
@@ -992,6 +1098,11 @@ def parse_options(args):
             if not os.path.isfile(options.kscfg):
                 raise Usage("Kickstart config '%s' does not exist" % options.kscfg)
+        if o in ("--mayflower"):
+            options.mayflower_path = a
+            if not os.path.isfile(options.mayflower_path):
+                raise Usage("Mayflower script '%s' does not exist" % options.mayflower_path)
+            continue
         if o in ("-r", "--repo"):
             (name, url) = a.split(",")
             for (n, u) in options.repos:
@@ -1057,10 +1168,12 @@ def main():
+        target.packages.extend(target.arch.bootldr_package)
         target.setup(options.uncompressed_size, options.base_on)
-        target.install()
+        target.install(options.mayflower_path)
         if options.give_shell:
             print "Launching shell. Exit to continue."


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