[Fedora-livecd-list] general livecd questions

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Fri Feb 23 19:46:50 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 14:25 -0500, Luke K wrote:
> - Can I create a x86 livecd on a 64-bit fedora system?

Yes.  But if you build the livecd-tools package, you end up with 64bit
binaries trying to go into the initramfs which breaks things.  This is
something that we really need to clean up before F7 final.

> - Can I create a x86 livecd on a 64-bit machine running 32-bit fedora
> (what I currently have)?


> - Is there a way the livecd user can replicate the livecd without
> installing it to disk?  The ability to self-replicate would add
> another way to spread these.  (I'm not familiar with the technical
> issues, but if limited memory was a problem perhaps the source and
> destination livecd's could be swapped in and out repeatedly?  Or,
> would temporarily storing the image on a flash drive help?  Perhaps
> there could be a choice at boot time to replicate the CD?) 

If you're in the run from RAM mode, you should be able to duplicate the
CD without problems.  If you're not running from RAM, then we really
can't do it unless you have two CD drives.

> - Probably my most ignorant question: is it a security risk that the
> user and root passwords are empty, ie. can someone take control of the
> machine if you're connected to the net?

Things are set up such that no services are running for remote login.
So there's not a lot of risk here, although there is some.


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