[Fedora-livecd-list] Interrupted livecd-creator leaves hung loopback mount

Jasper Hartline jasperhartline at adelphia.net
Thu May 10 18:31:31 UTC 2007

asmith11 at cox.net wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using the livecd-creator with FC7-t3 and am mostly pretty happy with the results.  I have noticed one problem.  If I try to CTRL-C the livecd-creator during the RPM-installation step (which for my current spin takes 10 minutes or so) I end up with a hung /dev/loop0 mount that I cannot umount.  I find I have to reboot to clear the mount.  
> I'd appreciate any help or insight into how I can either umount the /dev/loop0 mount or more cleanly interrupt the livecd-creator.
Ideally, you want to trap SIGINT which is sent using CTRL-C and cleanup.
livecd-creator to my knowledge is still under development, so this 
hasn't been implemented probably.

J. Hartline

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