[Fedora-livecd-list] config/livecd-fedora-base-desktop.ks

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue May 27 20:13:49 UTC 2008

Jeremy Katz (katzj at redhat.com) said: 
>>>     /var/cache which are expected to have high turn-over.  Let's make them
>>>     tmpfs instead
>> How does that work with yum upgrade on persistent images? 
> It was actually to help that case (turnover with packages in /var/cache/yum 
> eats up blocks fast).  But yeah, other bits of /var/cache could matter and 
> come from a package I guess.  Will switch it to just overmount 
> /var/cache/yum

Right, but if that's a new openoffice package.... you may run tight on RAM
pretty quickly.


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