[Fedora-livecd-list] [PATCH] Using both EFI and MBR at once on Live USB images and other misc. fixes

Stewart Adam maillist at diffingo.com
Wed Oct 29 23:49:08 UTC 2008

On 10/29/08 6:18 PM, Stewart Adam wrote:
> * Adds --skipcopy to skip copying the live OS
Oops, forgot to mention two things. I know this feature seems a little odd, 
so I wanted to explain a bit more... --skipcopy doesn't skip all copying, 
just the live OS which makes it useful for testing the boot configuration. 
It's also useful for USB media, where testing over and over would normally 
be wasting limited write cycles it takes a lot of waiting for the 700MB file 
copy finish. ALso, say the MBR gets lost or you've transferred the live OS 
files from a friend's key, you can just refresh the MBR and bootloader 
config instead without touching the live OS and persistant home.

> * syslinux support isn't complete let, hopefully coming soon
For this I mean GPT+MBR syslinux support, that made it sound like the patch 
broke the syslinux boot ;)


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