[Fedora-livecd-list] Custom initrd

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Fri Aug 14 22:44:55 UTC 2009

I am using livecd-creator from livecd-tools-024-1.fc11.i586 and need to 
customize the initrd. But I have problems making it work and figuring 
out what is going on.

I have figured out that livecd-creator through imgcreate creates a 
/etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd. When rpms runs mkinitrd from their %post script 
then it will exec mkliveinitrd and use the configured module list. 
AFAICS livecd-creator then picks up the initrd from /boot, and the end 
result after having written the iso to usb with livecd-iso-to-disk is 
that it ends up in /syslinux/initrd0.img.

But if I overwrite the /boot/initrd* in %post like this:
     /sbin/mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-$(rpm -q kernel --qf 
'%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n').img $(rpm -q kernel --qf 
then it won't be used.

What am I doing wrong? When is the initrd picked up? What is the code flow?

If I make %post preserve /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd and boots from usb and 
restores /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd and runs
     /sbin/mkinitrd -f /mnt/live/syslinux/initrd0.img $(rpm -q kernel 
--qf "%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n")
then it works as expected.


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