[Fedora-livecd-list] livecd-iso-to-pxeboot: Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure

Yogesh Sonawane yogesh at spsoftindia.com
Wed May 26 07:44:24 UTC 2010


Using the command,
livecd-iso-to-pxe F10-x86_64-Live.iso

the iso file was extracted and had the following files:
1. pxelinux.cfg
2. initrd0.img
3. pxelinux.0
4. vmlinuz0

All the files under the folder "tftpboot" were kept at the location 
(hd0,0)/test on *64-bit windows *machine.
The menu.lst contents:

title Launch Test Application
kernel   (hd0,0)/test/vmlinuz0 root=/F10-x86_64-Live.iso rootflags=loop 
rootfstype=auto ro liveimg quiet
initrd   (hd0,0)/test/initrd0.img

On rebooting the system, the following error was displayed:
initrd    (hd0,0)/test/initrd0.img
Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure

But on *32-bit windows machine it works *very properly without any 
warning or error.

Can anyone let me know how to resolve the FileSystem inconsistency?


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