Fedora 13 Go/No-Go Date--no looking back

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Tue Nov 24 23:54:47 UTC 2009

Hi Everyone,

Fedora 13, I mean Jesse, and I were just talking on IRC about the 
scheduling of the final "Go/No-Go" meeting.  This is the meeting where 
all the key engineering teams meet to declare the release GOLD or not.

In the past it has been Jesse's understanding that certain teams need 
decent lead time to "stop the presses" if our scheduled release date 
will NOT be met.

For Fedora 13 we have the "Go/No-Go" meeting scheduled for 2010-04-19 (8 
days before the public release on 2010-04-27) with the content going to 
the mirrors on 2010-04-22.

If we were to move the "Go/No-Go" meeting closer to 2010-04-22 by a day 
or two (say TUES 2010-04-21 or WED 2010-04-20) would that cause problems 
for any of the teams if we were to declare on one of those dates that we 
were NOT releasing on the originally scheduled date?

Please reply ASAP as we are trying to finalize the Fedora 13 dates soon.


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