Reminder -- New FakeFAS!

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Thu Jan 20 21:06:39 UTC 2011

Reminder to people who are working with Drupal and Fedora Insight:
There is now a more permanent "FakeFAS" installation, which we use to
authenticate on the Drupal instance.

This installation replaces the old FakeFAS that unfortunately got lost
when the Infra team was doing server rebuilds earlier.  The new
installation should be set to survive any such rebuilds properly,
including its data.

But you do need to re-create a user account, and apply for any cms*
groups that you require to help out.  You can do that here:

* I like to use a special tagged email address for FakeFAS so I can
  filter it differently from email from the real FAS, like this:
  "username+fakefas at somewhere dot com"

* I also highly recommend you use a *different* passphrase from real
  FAS since I believe we still do not guarantee secure data passage
  for FakeFAS.

Paul W. Frields                      
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